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The Mainboard is the brains of your 3D Printer: Controlling the motors and heaters while monitoring the hot-end and bed temperatures, it ensures your 3D Printer actually prints what you want, when you want it, instead of being a pretty paperweight or conversation piece.
The JGMaker Magic 24V Mainboard is based on the tried and true Arduino Mega2560 and Ramps 1.4 3D printer technology, while specifically made for the unique design of the Magic 3D Printer.
Running open-source Marlin (available on the Support page) its firmware is highly customizable and upgradeable, allowing you to customize the features and functions however you wish.
The package will include: JGMaker Magic Mainboard x1
Model:JGMaker Magic Mainboard
Micro Processor: ATMEL ATMega2560
Input Voltage:24v
Stepper Drivers:HR4982 (all axis)
Stepper Driver Heatsink (on underside):120mm*11mm*5mm