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This is 3D Printing, not Star Trek. So Warp Factors are not desirable. If you have difficult prints that like to curl up and warp themselves off the bed, then this build surface is for you. JGMaker’s Tempered Glass Plate Build Surface, also known as BDG (Black Diamond Glass, as it has little black diamond shapes on the surface) provides superior adhesion of your prints. And when your print is finished and the bed cooled down to room temperature, the object automatically releases from the bed. No more scraping with a spatula into the print, or your hand!
The state of the art carbon and silicone surface is bonded to the perfectly flat glass bed for a warp free surface over the entire bed area. Glue stick is recommended when printing with ABS or PETG.
Compatible with JGmaker A3S, A5S, A5, A1, and other 3d printer with same heated bed size. Select the correct size in the Glass Size drop-down list.
Note: Heated Bed Not Included.
The package will include: JGMaker Tempered Glass Plate Build Surface.
Model:JGMaker Tempered Glass Plate Build Surface
Material: Glass, Carbon and Silicone surface
Dimensions: 214mm*214mm*4mm(A3S), 310mm*310mm*4mm (A5S)
Note: Due to new European tax laws, it may take 20-50 days to ship 3D printer parts directly from China to Europe until further notice, so please excuse any inconvenience.